What is Acupuncture?
Acupuncture is a safe, drug-free and virtually pain-free therapy using very fine needles, which are inserted into specific "points" on the body that have proven effective in treating a multitude of ailments. Empirical data gathered over thousands of years confirms acupuncture as a remarkably effective therapeutic modality (as do more recent clinical trials.)
The one guarantee that Bob can make is that the human body will not ignore a needle, even if it is very fine and of shallow depth. Just as it will with a splinter, your body will try to resolve this foreign body via increased circulation to the area and when your body circulates properly, muscles, nerves and organs are all in better health. For this reason, acupuncture is effective in treating the cause of a wide variety of conditions.
For All Ages and Most Conditions
People of all ages, including children, and from all walks of life seek acupuncture to treat a specific symptom or condition. This can be done in conjunction with conventional medicine. In addition, a growing number of people are taking a more active role in maintaining their health, and turn to acupuncture as a form of preventative care.
For more information contact Robert @ 617-901-2219 or [email protected]
Acupuncture is a safe, drug-free and virtually pain-free therapy using very fine needles, which are inserted into specific "points" on the body that have proven effective in treating a multitude of ailments. Empirical data gathered over thousands of years confirms acupuncture as a remarkably effective therapeutic modality (as do more recent clinical trials.)
The one guarantee that Bob can make is that the human body will not ignore a needle, even if it is very fine and of shallow depth. Just as it will with a splinter, your body will try to resolve this foreign body via increased circulation to the area and when your body circulates properly, muscles, nerves and organs are all in better health. For this reason, acupuncture is effective in treating the cause of a wide variety of conditions.
For All Ages and Most Conditions
People of all ages, including children, and from all walks of life seek acupuncture to treat a specific symptom or condition. This can be done in conjunction with conventional medicine. In addition, a growing number of people are taking a more active role in maintaining their health, and turn to acupuncture as a form of preventative care.
For more information contact Robert @ 617-901-2219 or [email protected]