Does Acupuncture Treat My Condition?
Please see the conditions treated page for a partial list of ailments and associated symptoms treated by acupuncture and Chinese medicine. From acute injuries to internal illness, sickness, and disease, acupuncture may be your answer. Feel free to contact us to see if acupuncture is an effective choice for you 617-901-2219 or [email protected].
Does Acupuncture Have Side-effects?
Acupuncture is virtually free of adverse effects when performed by a licensed acupuncturist. In fact, because of acupuncture's systemic approach, healthy side-benefits such as improved sleep, increased vitality and stress reduction are typically enjoyed.
How Many Treatments are Needed?
Some acute conditions may experience marked improvement after only one treatment while chronic illnesses require many more. Each patient and condition is unique, therefore, a consultation with an acupuncturist is recommended for a more accurate prognosis.
Contributing factors include:
-The age of the patient
-The overall health of the patient
-The nature of the condition
-How long the condition has existed
-The severity of the condition
Is it Relaxing?
Patients describe a calmness or peacefulness as sensations of fluidity, circulation, warmth, lightness or a sensation of "melting into the treatment table".
What The Needles Feel Like?
A 6-year old patient best described the sensation of receiving an acupuncture needle to his friend by saying, "See, it doesn't hurt, it just pinches a little." Other local sensations include: mild tingling, warmth and mild heaviness.
Please see the conditions treated page for a partial list of ailments and associated symptoms treated by acupuncture and Chinese medicine. From acute injuries to internal illness, sickness, and disease, acupuncture may be your answer. Feel free to contact us to see if acupuncture is an effective choice for you 617-901-2219 or [email protected].
Does Acupuncture Have Side-effects?
Acupuncture is virtually free of adverse effects when performed by a licensed acupuncturist. In fact, because of acupuncture's systemic approach, healthy side-benefits such as improved sleep, increased vitality and stress reduction are typically enjoyed.
How Many Treatments are Needed?
Some acute conditions may experience marked improvement after only one treatment while chronic illnesses require many more. Each patient and condition is unique, therefore, a consultation with an acupuncturist is recommended for a more accurate prognosis.
Contributing factors include:
-The age of the patient
-The overall health of the patient
-The nature of the condition
-How long the condition has existed
-The severity of the condition
Is it Relaxing?
Patients describe a calmness or peacefulness as sensations of fluidity, circulation, warmth, lightness or a sensation of "melting into the treatment table".
What The Needles Feel Like?
A 6-year old patient best described the sensation of receiving an acupuncture needle to his friend by saying, "See, it doesn't hurt, it just pinches a little." Other local sensations include: mild tingling, warmth and mild heaviness.